Being a Soul Artist

This in an invitation to listen to “Everyone Can Be a Soul Artist” and then to explore the guides below.

If this has awakened something inside you, then you are being asked to explore what it means to be a Soul Artist.

One way of discovery is through creative expression and another is through meditation.

As promised, here are the free gifts that I have for you:

PDF Download: Exploring Creative Possibilities Through Journalling and/or Collage
Exploring Creative Possibilities

Exploring your creativity is on the path to being a Soul Artist. Through journalling and/or collage, this guide may help you to discover the creativity you want to engage in and express uniquely who you are.

PDF Download: Meditations on Being a Soul Artist
Meditations on Being a Soul Artist

These self-directed meditations will help you to explore the shifts in perspective that are possible when you open yourself up to your soul's guidance.

You are welcome to print these PDFs.

Do you have any questions about any of the practices in the guides?
If you would like some support, please contact me.

Blessings on Your Journey of Being a Soul Artist,

© Wind ’n Water Studio   Website by Caprina